Wow what a crazy month it has been!
I have been fortunate enough to sign on 3 new Virtual Reception clients, with all of them being my ideal client. I was unfortunate enough to have a client who I thought was once an ideal client, until they stopped paying me...not so ideal!
I have since fired this client and am still chasing the money for 2 months of Virtual Reception service and around 40hrs of PA service.
One of the new clients, are now advertising on TV. We are taking all the calls that come into the lines. Because of this, we are flat out, so I am going to advertise for a new Virtual Receptionist to come on board and give us a hand.
I have the engineers building new features into my phone operating system to make it more user friendly and give more options to the potential clients. This has taken up majority of my time this month...lots of testing.
Amongst all of this, we had an elderly family member go missing for a few hours last weekend, thankfully they were found safe and sound, some cuts and bruises and a little confusion on "What all the fuss was about", but nice and safe.
What else has happened this month ? Miss Mia was voted in as class captain, I attended the badge ceremony last week. Isla is enjoying her 2 days a week at daycare and has made some friends, it has certainly helped me get some work done with her not being under my feet for two days of the week. Dan has had a great month of work, it is slowly starting to pick up again after the floods.
Well that's me for another month. Stay safe :)
Korryn Campbell
Virtual Office Solutions